Numicon: 100 Square Baseboard


To be used alongside KS1 Numicon teaching, the 100 square b aseboard provides a base for building patterns with Numicon shapes and bonds
Numicon is research-based and proven to have a significant and lasting impact on results
Numicon apparatus encourages children to reason mathematically through use of concrete objects
Each Numicon Teaching Resource Handbook activity includes a list of the concrete resources used to support learning
The baseboard is a plastic square with 10 x 10 raised circles on which Numicon Shapes and overlays can be placed
24.5 x 0.8 x 24.4cm



To be used alongside KS1 Numicon teaching, the 100 square b aseboard provides a base for building patterns with Numicon shapes and bonds. Numicon is research-based and proven to have a significant and lasting impact on results. Numicon apparatus encourages children to reason mathematically through use of concrete objects. Each Numicon Teaching Resource Handbook activity includes a list of the concrete resources used to support learning. The baseboard is a plastic square with 10 x 10 raised circles on which Numicon Shapes and overlays can be placed. 24.5 x 0.8 x 24.4cm.