6 Super Spelling Rules Games


Spin the spinner, read the spelling rule, sound out your word and spell it correctly to place a counter on the Super Grid
Defeat dastardly opponents by connecting 3 or 4 counters in a row by utilising your spelling superpowers
6 Games cover: adding suffixes, plurals, spellings dependent on position – ai/ay, ou/ow, ss/ce, oi/oy; ‘w’ specials, ‘qu’ special & ‘a’ before ‘l’ spelling, finding base words, common misspellings and finding a related word to highlight vowel sounds



Spin the spinner, read the spelling rule, sound out your word and spell it correctly to place a counter on the Super Grid. Defeat dastardly opponents by connecting 3 or 4 counters in a row by utilising your spelling superpowers. 6 Games cover: adding suffixes, plurals, spellings dependent on position – ai/ay, ou/ow, ss/ce, oi/oy; ‘w’ specials, ‘qu’ special & ‘a’ before ‘l’ spelling, finding base words, common misspellings and finding a related word to highlight vowel sounds.