The TechCard Science Lab contains all the parts needed to build nine working models that demonstrate five key topics in the KS1 & KS2 Science Curriculum. The topics explored include, simple structures, levers and forces, magnetism, simple machines and simple circuits. There are two ways to use the Lab, the models can be assembled and used to explore topics as they are encountered in the curriculum or the models can be assembled and explored by the class as the basis of a ‘science day’. The models include: Test Bench – explore shaping materials to make strong structures, Lever – demonstrate how the power and direction of a force can be changed, Floating Magnet, Magnetic Car, Magnetic Pendulum: explore the invisible force of magnetism, its origins and uses. Gravity Car, Pulley System, Pneumatic Jaw: investigate different types of simple machine and how they make work easier and Electric Buzzer: show a simple circuit in action and demonstrate that electricity needs to flow in a circuit to power things. The kit includes 100+ parts and is complete with teachers notes and assembly instructions. Ages 8 -12 years.