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Salisbury Road Primary School
“Westcare have been fantastic when ordering furniture for the school. Always delivered promptly and built on site when required. They come to the school to measure up and advise on furniture to choose. It is always delivered promptly and built on site when required.”
Open Doors International Language
“A joy to deal with and very professional. Fantastic service even when things don’t go to plan and highly competitive. Wouldn’t think twice about picking up the phone and using Westcare or advising others. Wouldn’t think twice about picking up the phone and using Westcare or advising others.”
Montpelier Primary School
“We have always had an excellent personal service from Westcare and have found them to be highly competitive. Day to day items are readily available; with any ‘bespoke’ items being sourced speedily and delivered within days too. This is essential when at times we have had requests for products to be delivered the same day or at short notice.”